Rat breeding in the province of Quebec

The Rattery Chimère is located in Quebec, in Chaudière-Appalaches. Deliveries are made to collection points provided in advance in a neutral and public place. The choice of location is selected by the Chimère rattery

Our domestic rat breeding is carried out in a rattery closed to the public to protect the health of our rat colony. Visits to the rattery are therefore prohibited, without exception.

Cities in the province of Quebec eligible for the delivery of Chimère baby rats

Rat breeder

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Rat breeder

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Reproduction of the domestic rat

Discover the vision of the reproduction of the domestic rat according to the rattery Chimère.

Reproduction of the domestic rat

Rat breeding method – chimera rat

Dernière mise à jour : 18 octobre 2023 à 2h18 → pas de commentaire

Alternative rat breeding method

méthode d'élevage de rats - bébés marten re et siamois seal point dumbo lisse

The Chimera rattery takes an alternative approach to rat breeding, a vision that keeps the focus on pet therapy. I consider rat breeding to be optimal when it is carried out ethically, by which I mean an animal behaviorist approach with my rats.

I work with my rats on the behavioral aspect of their being above all else, with health criteria benefiting directly from this, since the physical health of the rats is in symbiosis with this psychological dimension. The latter has a major impact on the rat’s health at all levels.

rat issu d'une méthode d'élevage de rats - rat siamois seal point husky dumbo lisse

Bearing in mind that the average life span of a rat is between 18 and 24 months, I don’t expect to achieve good results with a line in which I concentrate my energies and efforts solely on the genetic aspect of the rats in it.

I believe that if I can overcome the psychological trauma that my rats’ ancestors suffered – the fear, anxiety and stress that were generated by human mistreatment of the lines from which all domestic rats originate – only then will I be able to see an advance in the length of their life expectancy.

Psychological trauma engraved in the DNA

Psychological trauma is engraved in the DNA and passed on to the next generation. I deeply believe that all illness is a symptom caused by a vibration that is in dissonance with the rest of the energetic matter that gives life to the rat. I believe in vibrations and energies that have a direct impact on the physical body. Illness is the final level, a manifestation of what’s happening higher up, or if you prefer, on a more subtle level. If I can get the rat’s mind to vibrate at a higher level, then the rat will be able to unravel its inner conflicts and traumas, which form all the knots that prevent the energy flow that regulates all the body’s organs, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood networks from circulating.

rat issu d'une méthode d'élevage de rats - bébé rat platine russe dumbo rex

Science-based rat breeding method

I take my rat breeding in alternative directions in the eyes of the general public. However, anyone interested in scientific advances has already understood that the life expectancy of a rat is only equalled by the level of understanding of the human animal who loves and cares for it, and comes to regard it as a being equal to itself, evolving on several vibratory planes.

rat issu d'une méthode d'élevage de rats - rat platine russe uni dumbo lisse

Renowned rat breeder…and I’m Coco Chanel?

Personally, I don’t see the relevance of a rat’s life expectancy based on an argument that puts forward rat lines from a reputable rattery. Uh…but what reputation are we talking about? We’re not talking about Coco Chanel perfume here, but about a rattery that belongs to a very small circle of enthusiasts… Allow me to take this reputation with a grain of salt.

rat issu d'une méthode d'élevage de rats - rat husky noir berkshire dumbo lisse

Come on! I’m a good sport. What if a raterie’s reputation really did have something to do with a rat’s life expectancy? So I took a look at the life expectancy of reputed raterie lines. What did I find? Domestic rats that don’t live much longer than rats that come from intensive breeding to supply pet shops, or from breeding to feed wild animals such as snakes.

rat issu d'une méthode d'élevage de rats - rat husky opposum bleu russe standard rex

Reputations are built on results. When all I see are disappearances and I wonder where Charlie has gone, then there’s no reputation. Or else a furtive existence on a small scale? Oh yes! I’m willing to concede that, but believing in an entity that’s advantageously known on a large scale? Nannn. Not with rats that don’t live longer than 24 months.

When a reputable rattery can show me rats that live 4 or even 5 years (why not!), in my eyes that rattery will be able to let itself boast. Nevertheless, I hope that on that day, the rat breeder, this human to whom I remind her that she’s also an animal, won’t forget to thank her non-human animals, namely her rats and spleens, who did practically all the work in terms of genetics.

méthode d'élevage de rats novatrice - rat marten noir RE uni dumbo lisse

I know that there are new and innovative methods of breeding rats that allow for the permanent eradication of undesirable organisms (most of which are bacteria that are harmless to humans, but which affect the longevity of rats), and that’s why I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next at Evolution Rattery in Charleston

I quote the owner of this rattery, who announced the following in the blog section of her website, dated March 9, 2022:

We want to test at least one more generation before claiming our process a total success – that will be around the first of May. At that point, we’ll publish our ‘Draft Process’ so that it’s available to EVERYONE.

Publication in its official language

Still in this blog section, however, I couldn’t find any publication of the ‘Draft Process’ dated February 26, 2023, i.e. 9 months later, unless this ‘Draft Process’ is not available to everyone.

The only recent information on this subject is as follows:

So much has happened since we concluded the SBM/RBF project last summer.

Publication in official language

Draft Process pending

So I’m still waiting for the ‘Draft Process’ to be made available to everyone, to see if this rattery can claim that their process is a complete success.

rat issu d'une méthode d'élevage de rats - rat agouti dumbo rex

The Chimera rattery, which is an ethical rattery, tries to avoid any type of animal suffering for its colony of rats, having as its underlying notion that any suffering that is unacceptable for a human animal is no more so for a non-human animal such as the rat so dear to my heart, which implies the following ethic:

  • No Chimera rat will be killed (culling). I consider that no pretext is valid and nothing justifies this practice.
  • No Chimera rat will be euthanized with gas, or in any other way. I can only see practical reasons for such cruelty.
  • Every Chimera rat from every litter will remain at the Chimera rattery if it cannot find an adoptive family, and therefore every Chimera rat will have the right to life and not the mouth of a snake as the end of its life.
  • Each reproductive female gives birth to a single litter of Chimera rats.
  • Each breeding female is removed from the breeding program at the age of 12 months.
  • Our breeding females and males remain at the Chimera rattery, in their respective colonies, to live out their well-earned retirement until their last breath.

rat issu d'une méthode d'élevage de rats - bébé rat siamois seal point

Murid breeding

We specialize in the muridae family, more specifically rodents such as rats.

We don’t mix species, because I’m passionate about rats, and I hope to open people’s minds to the fact that Chimera rat lines are non-human animals that are the closest to nature in terms of the complexity of their intelligence. Rat brains that have nothing to envy to the lineage of human animals, that of Homo sapiens, i.e. modern man.

rat issu d'une méthode d'élevage de rats - rat noir uni dumbo velour

Humanized rat breeding

The humanized rats of the Chimera rattery are chimera rats, and proud of it. They are not monsters, even if they are rats and human at the same time. However, the same cannot be said of a human who appears to be both human and animal at the same time, having lost all trace of his humanity…

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© Copyright 2021-2024 Elevagederats.com/en/ - Rattery Chimère: Breeding of domestic rats located in Quebec in Chaudière-Appalaches - All rights reserved - Legal Notice - Graphic design, integration and web strategy by Vanille Idylle